Inspired by this summer's debut of Subtrainian, We at Temple Labs have concocted a special amateur film festival event called Rock Against Horror for Halloween (October 31st). Anyone can participate, and Temple and Loreli will even help to fund your movie (we will give you 500rmb cash UPON COMPLETION of your film).
Here are the rules:
1.Your film must be 666 seconds in length including credits, title cards and other nonsense.
2. You cannot do anything illegal which can be traced back to Temple in order to complete your film.
Don't break into anywhere, don't start any fires, don't steal a cadaver from a medical school, don't kill a drifter, etc. For real, behave or at least put on a convincing game face.
3. We reserve the right to ban your film if it promotes or puts a positive spin on any racist, sexist or homo/transphobic ideas.
Violence, gore, and other mainstays of the horror genre are completely fine as long as the underlying purpose of your film does not promote bigoted ideologies.
4. You are only allowed to spend up to 500rmb on any props, equipment, software, filming, or editing.
You will be reimbursed by Temple or Loreli upon the completion of your film. Temple and Loreli will only reimburse you the combined total of the receipts you present to us.
There are however, no rules against borrowing equipment or using gear you already have with your film. Do you want to use your iPhone to film and spend 500rmb on fake blood? Fine. Do you want to use your own fancy DSLR to film, buy a new lens or filter for 500rmb and improvise on the rest of your props? Also fine.
We're also amenable to any approaches for how you utilize sound. We fully support attempts at fully silent films or films that include original musical scores as well. You have total freedom here to be creative and stretch that 500rmb as far as it will go.
5. You must contact either Pink (WeChat: templelivehouse) or Marshall (Wechat: ChairmanWOW) to let us know you are involved by Thursday, September 21st. We will accept only 8 individuals or teams to participate so please get in touch sooner rather than later.
6. Your film must be completed, and given to Temple on a hard drive or USB flash drive by Tuesday, October 24th. You'll get them back.
A local panel of judges will use arbitrary criteria to determine a winner at the screening on Halloween night (Tuesday, October 31st). Temple will provide our winners with a cash prize and a lot of free booze. Additional prizes for the winning filmmakers will be announced as we get closer to the date of the event.